Lamborghini India has introduced the Aventador S in the country at Rs 5.01 Crore (ex-showroom, India). It is the facelifted version of the Aventador coupe and features a new front bumper, rear bumper, diffusers and air intakes. All these changes on the exterior make the car more aerodynamic. The new front splitter and diffuser add 130 % more downforce, thus making the car firmly planted on the road.
There are not much changes inside the Aventador S from standard Aventador. It still features the jet-fighter inspired cockpit. However, the old analogue dials in the instrument cluster have been replaced by LCD TFT display. The Italian super carmaker is also offering tonnes of customisation options. You can personalise your Aventador S through Lamborghini's personalisation division.
The new Lamborghini Aventador S is powered by a 6.5-litre naturally aspirated V12 engine that gives power of 730bhp. The powerful engine comes mated to a seven-speed ISR (Independent Shifting Rods) gearbox. The vehicle claims to reach a top speed of 349kmph and goes a 0-100kmph in just 2.9 seconds. The most unique feature of the Aventador S is its four-wheel steering. While at low speeds the rear wheels turn in the opposite direction compared to the front, at high speeds they turn in the same direction. This helps to achieve a shorter turning radius at low speed and better cornering ability at high speeds.
The new Aventador S also features a new driving mode, the 'EGO', apart from the existing Strada, Sport and Corsa. The EGO mode lets the driver choose individual settings for the steering, suspension and engine. The Aventador S replaces the standard Aventador in India. Aventador S rivals with Ferrari 812 Superfast and the Aston Martin Vanquish.
Source : CarDekho
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